| Happy Independence Day to All Pakistan What a great Mili Naghama, Sweet voices Tehseen Jawed, Amjad Hussain, Benjamin Sisters and Fatima Jaffery... Look at the lyrics your spirit would rise to max.. "Akhlaas Yakeen Tanzeem Hai Milat Ka Manshoor Har Chara O Manzil Per Milat Ke Dil Ka Noor Allah Nabi Quran Allah Nabi Quran" Whole mili naghama is great, decade passed but never heard such a great mli naghama again. Question is why our new singers don't go for mili naghmas? Or we don't want to listen it? Or our media is not gonna promote it? Why? Then why new mili naghma's are so rare? You saw this video there is nothing special very inexpensive set, simple composing, direction very low cost even with a single stage set. But still this mili nagha rocks you and and makes you stand up. We love Pakistan and yes we do... we want to listen more mili naghamas... request to the new signers... go for it and try to compete the Binjamin sisters you have new technology you have so many channel dozens of TV channels are ready to sponsor you. Lets make promise on this Independece Day!!! Yes..!!! Pakistan Zindabad. Love you All - (Shahzad) Join Pakistan Probe: http://www.facebook.com/pakistanprobe Follow Pakistan Probe: http://www.pakistanprobe.com Now read the great lyrics of this mili naghma :) Lyrics: Hum Zinda Quam Hain Painda Quam Hain Hum Sab Ki Hai Pehchan, Hum Sab Ka Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Hum Sab Ka Pakistan Har Dil Ke Ufaq Per Hai Chand Ek Sitara Ek Hai Kalma Bhi Wahid, Percham Bhi Humara Ek Hum Yak Dil Hum Yak Jaan Hum Yak Dil Hum Yak Jaan Akhlaas Yakeen Tanzeem Hai Milat Ka Manshoor Har Chara O Manzil Per Milat Ke Dil Ka Noor Allah Nabi Quran Allah Nabi Quran Rehmat Ki Tarha Sir Per Behnoan Ki Ridaein Hain Himat Ke Liya Humrah Maaon Ki Duaein Hain Hum Per Rab Ka Ihsan Hum Per Rab Ka Ihsan Islam Ke Lashkar Mein Hain Qasim Se Farzand Is Muluq O Milat Mein Bachay Bhi Kadi Qamand Borhey Bhi Chari Kaaman Borhey Bhi Chari Kaaman In Millon Machieno Ke Sab Paiye Ghoomein Ge Mazdoor Bhi Hongey Shaad Dehkaan Bhi Jhoomein Ge Sona Dein Ge Khalian Sona Dein Ge Khalian Hum Zinda Quam Hain Painda Quam Hain Hum Sab Ki Hai Pehchan, Hum Sab Ka Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Hum Sab Ka Pakistan |
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